Friday, May 7, 2010

Sorry Mom, No Gift for you this Mother's Day...

As we celebrate this special day for mothers, my thoughts wander to the millions of homeless children, who have never experienced the simple pleasure of having a mom. I wonder who they come (home?) to every day, who cares if they eat or not, who makes sure that they sleep well, who hugs them when they fall down and kisses their forehead when they have tears in their eyes. Do they remember that someone irreplaceable, who introduced them to the world and then departed, leaving them behind with a void? Buying a greeting card or a bouquet of roses for my mom seems so worthless when I think about these little angels who have dreams in their eyes, but no-one to share them with. So many questions that go unanswered, plenty of stories to tell, but no pair of ears patient enough to listen.

I have always believed that people are responsible for their lives by making appropriate or otherwise choices and I have always found luck factor illogical and absurd. However, this is one argument that I have no response to - what about these unfortunate kids? What choices did they make that they were born to have an under-privileged life? Why are they deprived of plain comfort and affection that seems so essential and eternal? It’s not about the expensive toys or cozy beds, it’s about the presence of the creator of their existence, a sole entity that could help them overcome their fears, guide them in every walk of life and love them unconditionally. I know that my Mom will be proud of me, if, on Mother’s day, instead of nurturing an already flourishing retail business, I assist in a social cause that’s extremely close to my heart.

This is also one dimension of life I would have never comprehended, but thanks to my son, he has made me realize how fundamental my subsistence is for him. Today, I feel that I am privileged enough to have a mother, who, sitting thousands of miles away, still prays for my well-being and gets worried when I am in the least predicament. She is someone I can talk endlessly to and confide in with an unspoken assurance. I am not only thankful to my mother for everything, but also to my lucky stars that I have a Mother.

Happy Mother's Day!


  1. It seems to me that you have given your mother a gift.

  2. beautiful, makes me appreciate my mom even more.

  3. Thanks for this lovely post. Keep blogging!

  4. Thanks for remembering us what it is to have a mom....We forget it sometimes

  5. such a lovely post.. Thanks ..

  6. Awesome, so proud of you gal..keep up the good battle...

  7. awesome!!!!-

  8. Thanks y'all for the encouragement!

  9. very good extension to this could be on those mothers who forget their essence/value and leave their children in the dark....keep writing !
